Good housekeeping is an important part of every safety program. everyone must be involved in keeping the jobsite clean. Supervisors, foremen, and workers alike should make good housekeeping a part of their daily responsibilities. poor housekeeping habits can lead to accidents, injuries, or even death.
The best way to keep the job site clean is to pick up after yourself as you go about your daily tasks. Housekeeping is one job that can’t be put off. a general job-wide cleanup once a week won’t guarantee safety on a construction site. It is critical to keep all work areas free from clutter at all times. If you ignore a spill on the ground, step over an object in the walkway instead of moving it, or walk past an overflowing trash bin, you are increasing the chances that an accident will happen. Instead of ignoring problems, you should help correct bad housekeeping.
You should also maintain good housekeeping during your breaks. Food waste not only attracts ants, flies, bees, and rodents, but it can create health hazards. never throw garbage, food scraps, or wrappers on the ground. Dispose of garbage in trash cans or recycle bins. make sure all containers are closed properly.
Remember these tips for good housekeeping:
• put all scrap material in its proper place.
• Stack materials securely and in an orderly fashion to avoid shifting or rolling.
• clean up spills promptly.
• Don’t eat, drink, or smoke in the work area.
• place tools in their proper storage bins.
• Keep aisles, walkways, stairs, and ramps clear of tools and other debris and tripping hazards.
• Store materials so there is always a clear path around and between work areas and trailers.
• Dispose of cardboard, packing materials, newspapers, and discarded rags in appropriate waste cans.
Remember, a clean work area improves safety, improves production, and improves your image!
It doesn’t matter who put it there, pick it up and put itin a safe place.